Baby Basics of Sarasota County, Inc.
Providing free diapers and kindness...
Donating is easy--
1. Donate through the Flanzer Trust:
The Flanzer Trust is a philanthropic organization that offers matching
donations to select charities from $5-500/month up to $3000/year.
You can either donate through PayPal (The Flanzer Trust will pay the
service fee.), pay with a credit card, or mail them a check.
2. Mail us a check:
Please make out your check to Baby Basics of Sarasota Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 15485
Sarasota, FL 34277
And please indicate if you would like a receipt for your donation.
3. Make an electronic donation:
Donate through PayPal with this link:
Or through Network for Good:
4. Make a donation through the
Community Foundation of Sarasota County's
"The Giving Partner" on-line site:
We sincerely THANK YOU and are grateful for your support.