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How does a family qualify for our program?


 Families must reside in Sarasota County.


 Babies must be under the age of three.


 At least one parent must be working.

 Families must meet WIC (Women, Infant, Children) financial guidelines.

 Families cannot receive welfare (TCA) or food stamps.

 Families are eligible regardless of race or religion.

 Families must be referred to us by one of our partner agencies:

  •    Healthy Start Coalition of Sarasota (941) 365-4545

  •     WIC:  Sarasota  (941) 861-2929   Northport (941) 861-3336

  •     Jewish Family & Children's Services: Sarasota and Northport (941) 366-2224

  •     Healthy  Families:  Sarasota  (941) 371-8820 Ext. 1000

                                                   Northport (941)371-8820 Ext. 1900

If you feel you may be eligible for our services, please request

to speak with a case worker at one of the agencies listed above.

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